no. 2/2024

News from the CMI

Opening message by the CMI President Ann Fenech

Tokyo Conference

Excitement is kicking in for the most anticipated Tokyo Conference to
be held in May.The website has now been launched and includes the
preliminary programme, details on registration, accommodation,
social events and valuable information to help prepare for the trip.
You may access the programme by following this link. Programme ::
CMI Tokyo Conference 2025
Take advantage of the Early Bird tickets until the 29th of January now
by accessing this link below.

Management Meetings

Virtual EXCO
with all EXCO members present, along with Yiannis Timiganis, Chair
of the CMI Young Lawyers (yCMI), and Prof. Massimiliano Musi, Chair
of the Publications and Social Media Committee.

General Assembly
EXCO Members present along with an impressive 28 Maritime Law

Rotterdam Rules Booklet

May was the Carriage of Goods by Sea, the 100th Anniversary of
the Hague Rules, the developments since and the need more than ever
before to usher a regime which caters for today's exigencies - The
Rotterdam Rules.
The CMI is dedicating time and resources to inject renewed energy into
explaining the need for their ratification. One medium has been the
publication of a booklet containing the Rotterdam Rules and Papers
presented in Gothenburg which can be viewed by accessing the
following link; ROTTERDAM RULES BACK ON TRACK - Comite Maritime
International - CMI

100th Anniversary of The Hague Rules

Relating to Bills of Lading - the Hague Rules - was signed on the 25th
August 1924 - one hundred years ago.
The Hague Rules are a CMI product and over these many years as
amended they have contributed significantly to the regulation of
world trade.
Our CMI Colloquium in Gothenburg held in May celebrated the Hague
Rules and offered the opportunity to discuss the regulation of the
carriage of goods by sea and to give a fresh impetus to the Rotterdam Rules.
CMI Berlingieri Lecture

Rules at 100, delivered at the CMI Gothenburg Colloquium last May
, attracted the attention of numerous prestigious publications including
Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, Il Diritto Marittimo, and
Le Droit Maritime Français/
All three of these publications can be accessed via the following
link; Intense Academic Interest in the Gothenburg CMI Berlingieri
Lecture - Comite Maritime International - CMI

Administrative Activities

Norwegian MLA

The Norwegian Maritime Law Association marked its 125th anniversary
with a seminar held at the grand premises of the Norwegian Shipowners
Association, coinciding with the Norwegian Maritime Law Day 2024.
The event was introduced by President Nina M. Hanevold-Sandvik and
featured insightful presentations on safety regulations, the ISM Code,
its implementation by shipowners, the industry's role in supervision,
and the evolution of Norwegian maritime and marine insurance law
over the past 125 years.
The celebration concluded with a formal dinner in the Association’s
impressive dining room, where CMI President Ann Fenech delivered
the after-dinner speech. She highlighted the critical contributions of
practitioners, industry, and academics to the unification of maritime
law, applauding Norway's role in this global effort.
CMI President Ann Fenech expressed her delight at representing the
CMI on such a significant milestone for the Norwegian MLA.
Honoring Prof. Berlingieri and Receiving
Honorary Membership

anniversary at the Palazzo Grimaldi della Meridiana with an AGM and
symposium covering key maritime law topics, including liability,
salvage, and autonomous vessels.
CMI President Ann Fenech addressed the symposium, highlighting
CMI’s history and future, and was honoured with Honorary
Membership of AIDIM, reinforcing the close relationship between the
two organisations.
She also paid tribute to the late Prof. Francesco Berlingieri, former CMI
President, during a visit to his preserved office and library, a treasure
trove of maritime law literature and CMI publications. The event
celebrated AIDIM’s achievements and Prof. Berlingieri’s enduring legacy.

nd Receiving the Newsmaker of the Year Award

Fenech, President of the Comité Maritime International, was honoured
with the prestigious Newsmaker of the Year Award.
Throughout the summit, she was also granted the opportunity to
deliver a presentation on the Convention on the International Effects of
Judicial Sales of Ships where she highlighted the importance of
encouraging further ratifications.
Read more by following the link below. Conferring of Award at the
Malta Maritime Summit

International Law Seminar Organised by the
Colombian Maritime Law Association

Speech virtually at the International Maritime Law seminar organised
by the Colombian Maritime Law Association (Acoldemar Colombia) in
This was done at the invitation of Cololmbia's MLA's President.
Follow the link to learn more about the events that unfolded during
the seminar; Addressing the Colombian MLA - International Maritime
Law Seminar - Comite Maritime International - CMI

Law (IIDM) Congress in Mexico City
Marítimo for organising the international congress held from
September 30th to October 2nd.
It was her pleasure to update the participants on the progress of the
Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships,
following the recent signings by Libya and the Dominican Republic
during her online participation. She emphasised the importance of
Latin American countries signing the convention.
To date, the Latin American countries that have signed the convention
are El Salvador, Ecuador, The Dominican Republic and
Antigua and Barbuda.

Association Lecture and Dinner

dinner yesterday evening. Sir Richard Aikens delivered a highly
engaging lecture on "Wars and Laws," exploring how wars have shaped
the law of marine insurance.

Professor of Maritime Law at
the World Maritime University

Theocharidis, Professor of Maritime Law and Policy at the World
Maritime University (WMU), in Malta.
As one of CMI’s consultative members, WMU's significant role in the
work of international working groups was a key focus of the
discussion. The meeting underscored the importance of WMU’s
contributions and the potential for further collaboration. The CMI
remains committed to integrating diverse perspectives from
practitioners, academics, and industry experts—an approach that has
consistently proven successful.

Maritime Law Institute

with the new intake of IMLI students at the start of their academic
year in Malta.
During her session, she introduced the students to the life of a
maritime lawyer through pictures and videos, showcasing the wide
spectrum of marine litigation cases and setting the stage for the
year ahead.
The CMI is proud to contribute to IMLI's academic programme by
providing several experts throughout the year to lecture. Recognising
the critical role IMLI plays in training hundreds of maritime
professionals worldwide, the CMI continues to support
its mission in fostering global maritime legal expertise.

Getting to know your EXCO

and Partner at Albors Galiano Portales. A maritime law expert from
Valencia who has dedicated his career to legal practice, teaching,
and shaping international maritime policies.
Discover Eduardo’s journey, from founding his firm to advocating for
Valencia to host the 2027 CMI event.
Follow the link below; Getting to Know your EXCO: Eduardo Albors -
Comite Maritime International - CMI

CMI Standing Committees and
International Working Groups

address transboundary pollution from offshore oil and gas activities.
Initially focused on Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs), the scope
has expanded to include other offshore structures. The draft, circulated
in October 2021 and revised with expert input, includes provisions for a
compensation fund funded by offshore operators. The key issue
remains whether to cover only economic damage or also
environmental restoration. A consolidated version will be prepared for
further review, with input sought from National Maritime Law
Associations before the ExCo makes a final decision.
Brief Comment on the Background and Current Status of the Draft
Convention being Prepared by the CMI International Working Group on
Offshore Activities by Jorge M. Radovich
For more details, follow the link; Brief Comment on the Background
and Current Status of the Draft Convention being prepared by the CMI
IWG on Offshore Activities - Comite Maritime International - CMI

CMI Participation at UNCITRAL
Working Group VI Sessions
on the Carriage of Goods, has been actively representing the CMI at recent
UNCITRAL Working Group VI sessions. The group is drafting a new
Instrument on Negotiable Cargo Documents, and the CMI's
involvement ensures consistency with established maritime transport
practices and norms.
Follow the link to learn more about Professor Goldby's contributions
and upcoming discussions at the 46th session in March 2025: CMI
Participation at UNCITRAL Working Group VI Sessions - Comite
Maritime International - CMI

International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships were it is sincerely
hoped that the Convention will come into force.
The International Working Group is working very hard indeed to
ensure that happens with a special focus on the procedures to be
finalised by the European Union to enable Member States to ratify.
Since our last Newsletter we are delighted to report that Libya and The
Dominican Republic have signed the Convention at Treaty event held
in New York, bringing the signatory states to a total of
28 and the European Union.

NMLA Bulletin Board

Belgian Directorate General of Shipping and the Royal Belgian
Shipowners Association jointly organised a seminar on the Beijing
Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships at the
Antwerp Maritime Academy.
The seminar with eminent speakers from DG Shipping, Chamber of
Court Bailiffs, Antwerp Bar, Ship Registry and Ship Owners was
organised to mark the signing of the Beijing Convention by Belgium
earlier this year. The interesting sessions were well attended and
followed by a nice reception offered by DG Shipping.

Anniversary year with a general membership Fall Meeting in New
Orleans, Louisiana. Programming included meetings hosted by our
twenty-three (23) Standing Committees and participation by the United
States Coast Guard, Department of Justice, U.S. Customs and Border
Patrol, the Port of New Orleans, and other local and federal
government agencies as well as maritime industry leaders. The CMI
was well represented by John O’Connor. Our Association will reconvene
in NYNY in May 2025 and, in October 2025, will host its Fall
Meeting in Washington D.C.

Many of the MLA Standing Committee members with interests in
MASS, cybersecurity, marine finance, and offshore renewables actively
participate in the work of the CMI and its International Working
Groups. The MLAUS promotes uniformity in the maritime laws and
has also contributed to the recent CMI questionnaires.

was actively involved in promoting the association’s objectives
by organising and attending a number of activities which
took place both in Malta and abroad.
30th Anniversary of the Malta Maritime Law Association

The most notable event is the celebration of the MMLA’s 30th
Anniversary which took place in October within the charming venue
of the National Library in the capital city of Valletta. The Event witnessed
the participation of key maritime speakers who, over the years, have
contributed and will continue to consolidate and strengthen the
MMLA's role as a forum and principal stakeholder within the Maltese
Shipping Industry. The event welcomed Minister for Transport Hon
Chris Bonnet and CMI President Dr. Ann Fenech.
To read more on MMLA's activities follow the below link:
Malta Maritime Law Association (“MMLA”) – CMI Newsletter 2024/2

Business Conference 2024
organised the Asian Maritime Law and Business Conference 2024on
28-29 November 2024 at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, in collaboration with the Maritime Law Association
of Singapore (MLAS). It is an inaugural collaboration between the
national maritime law associations (NMLAs) of two major maritime
nations, Malaysia and Singapore
Read more on the Malaysia MLA update via the below link: Malaysia
MLA - The Asian Maritime Law and Business Conference 2024 - Comite
Maritime International - CMI

NMLA’s Eventful Year in Review
marked by significant meetings, industry events, and strategic
engagements. Key highlights included five Executive Committee
Meetings, three General Meetings featuring expert lectures, and the
2nd Maritime Industry Breakfast Meeting, which explored
maritime-economic synergies under guest speaker Mr. Bismarck Rewane.
The Association also participated in an interactive session with NIMASA’s
new Director General, courtesy visits to the Chief of Naval Staff and
the Nigerian Shippers’ Council, and the planning committee for NIMAREX.
Other notable achievements included launching the Admiralty
Jurisdiction Procedure Rules and hosting the 14th One-Day Maritime
Law Seminar focusing on industry modernization and
regulatory harmonization.
The NMLA's year culminated in the 15th Annual General Meeting with
engaging panels on sustainability, cybersecurity, and the
domestication of international conventions. The Association also
celebrated its Patron’s 80th birthday with a cocktail reception. As 2025
approaches, NMLA is developing a comprehensive maritime policy
roadmap and anticipates another impactful year.
Follow the link below for the full review and event photos; THE
Comite Maritime International - CMI

Indonesia Maritime Law Update: Key Highlights
Indonesia has introduced significant changes to its maritime sector
through Law Number 66 of 2024, amending the 2008 Shipping Law.
Starting October 2025, foreign investors in Indonesian sea
transportation companies will be limited to a 49% ownership share
and must register vessels of at least 50,000 GT. This new policy
replaces earlier, less stringent requirements and aims to attract
investment in large-capacity shipping, while fostering local industry
growth. Meanwhile, shipping-related services like stevedoring and
freight forwarding are now open to 100% foreign ownership,
promoting modernization and transparency in the maritime
services sector.
On the security front, the Indonesian Sea and Coast Guard has been
dissolved, with its responsibilities transferred to the Ministry of
Transportation and BAKAMLA. Geopolitical tensions, especially with
China in the North Natuna Sea, remain a challenge. Recent
agreements hint at potential joint resource development but raise
concerns over sovereignty.
For the full text of this update, please follow:Indonesia Maritime Law
Association Update - Comite Maritime International - CMI

Ann Fenech, Nina M. Hanevold- Sandvik, Atle Skaldebø-Rød, Christian Hauge
The Norwegian Maritime Law Association celebrates its
125th anniversary
this November with a well-attended combined seminar and.
celebratory dinner.
The seminar addressed topics related to the legal and practical.
implications of safety regulations and the ISM Code, followed by.
a presentation on 125 years of Norwegian maritime law. It was.
impressive to hear about the early contributions of the Association's.
founders particularly taking into account that Norway was not yet an.
independent country in 1899. Despite this fact, Norway was also.
represented at the founding of CMI in 1897. Norway has also.
contributed extensively to the work of CMI over the years, particularly.
through the work of our distinguished scholars Sjur Brækhus and.
Erling Selvig.
The evening concluded with a celebratory dinner where the Association's
President Nina M. Hanevold-Sandvik welcomed the guests and guest of honour,
CMI President Ann Fenech, gave an inspirational speech. We were also delighted
to have our fellow Nordic associations well represented at the event, which further
emphasized the close relationship between maritime law in the Nordics.

125th Anniversary of the Italian MLA
anniversary in 2024. As one of the oldest CMI Member Associations, the
Italian MLA has played a pivotal role in maritime law unification, hosting
numerous significant events, including the recent Seminar in Genoa on
8 November 2024. The Seminar explored the association's rich history,
contributions to the CMI, and current challenges in maritime law, featuring
notable speakers and sessions on topics such as marine
pollution and autonomous ships.
Follow the link for the full article and
detailed insights into this milestone celebration;
Italian MLA 125th Anniversary
Italian MLA - Berlingieri Prize 2024
Essay Prize for her essay on maritime environmental protection, with
Sharon Msiza of South Africa named runner-up and Renato Petzoa
Huerta of Chile receiving a special mention.
The awards were presented on 4 July 2024 at Genoa’s Tursi Albini
Palace during the 125th anniversary celebration of the IL DIRITTO
MARITTIMO® journal, the oldest shipping law journal in the world.
Submissions are now open for the
2025 Francesco Berlingieri Essay Prize.
Read more on the Berlingieri Prize 2024 and Invitation for Berlingieri
Prize 2025via this linkFrancesco Berlingieri Essay Prize 2025 -
Comite Maritime International - CMI

of IL DIRITTO MARITTIMO(R) Giorgio Berlingieri and Stefano Zunarelli
Italian MLA - Sailing Challenge Cup 2024

2024 Italian M.L.A. Sailing Challenge Cup:
Genoa Edition
in Genoa, Christopher Columbus’s birthplace, coinciding with the anniversary of
the discovery of America. Hosted by Yacht Club Italiano, this exciting edition featured
20 talented crews racing J/70 boats off the scenic Lido di Albaro. After three intense
races, “Bona,” helmed by Benedetta Nigra, claimed victory, followed by “Artica,”
helmed by Francesco Mattarelli, in second place, and “Leda,” helmed by
Giuseppe Duca, in third. The regatta concluded with a lively lunch and
awards ceremony at the historic Yacht Club Italiano.
Follow the link for the full report on the regatta and its results:
Italy MLA - Sailing Challenge Cup 2024 - Comite Maritime International - CMI

Young Persons' CMI (yCMI) Essay Prize

Young Persons’ Essay Prize for original unpublished writing in the field
of maritime law.
Topic for 2025 Essay
The CMI Assembly has decided not to prescribe a topic for the 2025
competition in order to open up the scope of the Essay to
accommodate any topic of current relevance to maritime law.
Entrants are however encouraged to visit the CMI website’s pages on
work in progress – which may assist in choosing a suitable topic, as
preference may be given in the adjudication process to essays covering
topics currently under review by the CMI.
Read more information on the yCMI
Prize and Rules via this link;
yCMI Essay Prize - Comite Maritime International - CMI


Celebrating World Maritime Day

World Maritime Day, marked by the illumination of the IMO
headquarters in blue on the Albert Embankment. The vibrant display
symbolised the organisation's commitment to a safer, greener, and
more sustainable maritime sector.
In his address, IMO Secretary-General Arsenio Dominguez emphasised
the crucial need to ensure seafarers operate in the safest
possible environments.
The CMI is set to address this pressing issue in its upcoming Tokyo
Colloquium in May 2025, focusing on Safety and Attacks on Shipping.


The meeting of the Joint Tripartite Working Group (JTWG) to identify
and address seafarers’ issues and the human element took place in
Geneva from 26 November to 28 November 2024.
The core business was the adoption of the final text of the Draft
Guidelines on Fair treatment of seafarers detained on suspicion of
committing crimes, then renamed by the JTWG, as Guidelines on fair
treatment of seafarers detained in connection with alleged crimes. They
were elaborated during the IMO LEG 111th session on April 2024 by a
specific Working Group on Fair Treatment of Seafarers detained on
suspicion of committing crimes, with the participation of the CMI.
Access the following link to read the whole report
Comite Maritime International - CMI.

IOPC Funds at the IMO
Funds [IOPC Funds] met from 5 - 8 November 2024 at the IMO
headquarters in London. In attendance were 86 1992 Fund Member
States including 24 Supplementary Fund Member States, 3 observer
States and 13 observer organisations. Although the meeting was held in
person it was complemented by a passive streaming service.
New Incident: the Terranova (The Philippines)
The Secretariat informed those present of new incidents involving the
IOPC Funds, including the Terranova which encountered heavy
weather in July 2024 during typhoon Gaemi and capsized in Manila
Bay, the Philippines. The Philippines Coast Guard and the insurers,
Steamship Mutual, promptly responded and engaged contractors from
the vessel to contain and recover oil and from the sheen which
appeared following the incident and indicating that the hull was
breached and oil was being slowly released from the cargo tanks.
To read the full report prepared by Dr Rosalie Balkin, Secretary General
of the CMI, follow this linkHighlights from the November 2024
sessions of the governing bodies of the IOPC Funds - Comite Maritime
International - CMI

Meeting our Consultative Members

International Maritime Law Institute
exclusive interview with Professor Dr. Norman Martinez, the esteemed
Director of the International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI), a most
valued consultative member of the CMI.
Our committee member, Daniel-Luc Farrugia, had the privilege of
organising and attending this engaging discussion with
Prof. Martinez, exploring IMLI’s raison d’être, its dynamic collaboration with
the CMI, and the challenges the institute faces in its mission to
shape global maritime law.
We encourage you to follow the link to follow the interview.


Monsieur Lionel Tricot

announces the passing of Maître Lionel Tricot, its former president, at
the age of 103. He was the oldest member of the Association, the
longest-serving lawyer of the Antwerp Bar, and a titulary member of the CMI.
A prominent figure in maritime law, Maître Tricot taught
at the universities of Leuven and Antwerp and practiced law for over 70
years. His remarkable legacy includes delivering a memorable speech
at the 125th anniversary celebration of the Belgian Maritime Law
Association three years ago, where he spoke eloquently without notes.
Passing away of Monsieur Lionel Tricot -
Comite Maritime International - CMI

edition of the year. Rosalie Balkin, Daniel-Luc Farrugia,
and Evelien Peeters, on behalf of the Social Media
and Publications Committee, wish you all a very
Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year in 2025.